Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just a couple of quickies

Before we will leave tomorrow

Vinnie is coming out with a new PP and it is gorgeous. It will be in the store on the 23rd. By store I mean her new store!!!! It looks really cool, a little lighter than before and the gallery is so awesome. She is going to have a great sale and of course a challenge, so don't miss out just because I am gone LOL.


Here is the address

Here is some stuff I have been working on

You-at-11 Look-Mom Dear-Santa Christmas-Morning Do-you-believe-in-magic Credits for all of these can be found at my gallery.

And here is the one I did for Vinnie's new Paperpack and the brushes that are coming out on Friday.

You-are-beautiful-to-me the papers actually look like this, I hardly did anything to the page :)

Okay, I have to go and find some clothes to take along, I am running out of time. I hope I'll be able to check in occasionally, so I will be talking to you soon!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I just noticed that Stacey tagged me the other day, grrrrr! she is a lot of fun, so I will forgive her (just this once) So now I have to list 6 things about me

1. I am not aging gracefully!

2. I hold a 2nd degree Black Belt in Karate

3. I lived in Italy for 6 years in my 20s (and loved it)

4. I like to drive like I am on the Autobahn (which means fast)

5. I am quite impatient (working on that)

6. I am taking piano lessons


See, it doesn't get any more boring than that. Okay, now I get to tag 5 more people, sorry guys. So, I will tag

Terry (like you don't have enough to do)

Lovely Heather (don't hit me)

Timounette in France (it's Stacey's fault)

the ever so interesting Celia

and lovely Tammy who one of these days will have a gorgeous cookbook to publish!

Okay, now that is really it for today!

Project 365

week 3! I just wanted to post this real quick, before I forget and a new week starts.

Project 365 week3 I kept it pretty much the same as week 2, because the 2 pages will be facing each other in the book. I guess I will have to do that throughout the book. I am not willing to make 2 pages per week, I can't even imagine what that book would look like, LOL. As it is I will have 52 pages at least.


Hey, my DD tried herself at a page and she is so proud of herself. I helped her some and the paper was awesome to begin with. Everybody thinks she added all this brushwork, but it was there already. She had such fun with it though and is really waiting for the comments to come in, too funny! Take a peek

Leaving-home I explained stuff to her and showed her how to use a clipping mask and so on. she loved it! I might just have to fight her for the compy from now on. Okay, signing off for today!

Almost there

just a few more days and we will be heading toward the warm weather, I can't wait. Everything is set for Cancun, flight is booked and confirmed, we have a park and fly Hotel all booked, passports are found and checked, I am getting so ready!!!! With the arctic temperatures we are having it will be even more enjoyable to leave this place for a while. Lets just hope it will be nice and warm there, there have been times when it was chilly and windy, yuck.

I just finished a 30 min. challenge chat with C. Jones at Designer Digitals. It was fun. We had only 30 minutes to complete a page and there were a few requirements included.

CJones_30MMChat_011709_Rules And here is the page I came up withclosed-for-the-season

I meant to scrap this picture anyway, so it worked out okay.

Vinnie came out with her new kit, the one I was talking about earlier. I love it

0Vinnie_Pearce_Ramance_Me_previewOf course all her stuff is really cool looking. Here is a page I did with it

You-have-my-heart You hardly have to do anything, just plop your stuff on it and you are done. Her paper is a piece of art just by itself! By the end of the week she is coming out with a pack of art paper which is really gorgeous and some brushes. Love it!!

Scarletheels asked me to do some backup work for her the other day. She just came out with a new kit too (they are popping up all over the place)

folderand here are a couple of pages done with it

Life-is-good Friends-please I only noticed later that they both had the same slant to them, too funny. Must be my crooked days.

Oh yes, and then there is PaperbagStudios. I did a page for RobenMarie too, I almost forgot. She has a cool kit out too. It's called Merry Love and here is a page I did with this one. I should make another one, the kit is cutersmith_merry_love_kit_preview PaperbagStudios Merry Love Kit  FONTS Airstream and Aline Don't they look just adorable together. I shouldn't say this, but he was really leaning over to pet the dog LOL. It was still cute and we won't tell Dad. That's all I have done so far this week.

Vinnie is going to open her own place up again real soon, it's almost done, I can't wait. This hopping back and forth is a little too much, although she will still be selling at Catscrap. We shall see how that goes. Designer digitals announced their CTs for the year and I wasn't among them, I was really disappointed. I don't know why, I didn't really expect to be chosen, of course I didn't even know they were picking anybody right now, so it was a total surprise, that's probably why it bothered me a little. Why would I even think I was being considered is beyond me, LOL (and I am not fishing for compliments here, really) There will be other times and it doesn't really matter, as long as we are having fun.

Well, time to make some lunch for the kids, they are going to be home for a few days. No school on Monday or Tuesday, so they wind up going to school for 2 days next week, cause we are leaving Thursday evening. Yippeeh!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 2

has come and gone :) I was so determined to post more frequently, but time just seems to run away from me. Anyway, so far I have been sticking with the project, here is page 2

Project-365-#2 I used the same template, I kind of like it. I guess next week's has to be similar, so that the pages flow as they are going to be facing each other. Gotta plan ahead :)

My baby finally arrived last week, I love it. Boy, is it ever heavy! Now I can take pictures with my 50mm and it's automatic! What a joy! Of course I had to make a page about it

Ecstatic Now I will have to save my pennies for the next lens :) It just never ends.

Here are some more pages

Ice I-heart-you Lebkuchen-Rezept Peacock Room-to-my-heart The-Prince-and-I you This last one was from a tutorial chat at DD, given by no other than Cassie Jones, the amazing one! I have to read through it again, it was about layer masks, mostly for PSE, but she explains it for PS also, it's so much easier for us. My LO that I did like a room did not go over well at all :) I know the writing didn't come out quite right, but I really liked the idea itself. I might have to fiddle with it some more. The perspective was fun to create though. I was on a roll today, I did 3 pages using Vinnie's stuff. I really haven't done much for her lately and her new kits are so fun. One I can't post yet, her new kit will be released on the 16th (it's full of sweetness, so don't buy your Valentine's stuff anyplace else :)

Dream-of-summer The-visitor With her stuff the pages almost make themselves, honestly. I just wish she still had her site or a better one for that matter. Catscrap is okay though, it's not too big, so I can handle the gallery for comments. I spend so much time every day just going through all the pages and leaving comments, it's a lot of work.

Yesterday I finally put all my Christmas stuff away, boy that was a chore! I can't believe how many decorations I put up. My back was killing me at the end. I am glad that is done. Now we finally have snow! It couldn't come for Christmas, I don't need it now! Looking at that page I did, I wish summer was here already.

Well, did I talk enough? I have to go back through the gallery, there are probably pages of new pages again! Oh well, I shall talk to you all later! Keep taking pictures!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

First LO for the project

I got my first page done. Here it is


since I only had the three pictures, I figured it would be easiest to use this template, because it is so versatile. For the future I really don't know what I am going to do yet. I have to look at the templates I have and go from there. I think I will keep the background the same throughout to make it flow better.

I just finished this page this morning. It's for the Saturday Scraplift at DD. Now looking at it, I think I should have used different paper, but it's done!


As always, the credits can be found here.

I am still waiting for my new camera. The guy told me it was shipped but I can't even find a tracking # on my account, what's up with that? Nothing but trouble with online purchases lately. I ordered Norton 360 from Winferno last month, downloaded it onto DH's PC. It was supposed to be for 3 PCs but I didn't need the other ones yet. PC crashed, I had to reinstall everything, go to get my program online online to find that they want to charge me 6.95 to reactivate the download. I am furious. I sent them an email and they send me a link for another program to purchase. You have got to be kidding me!!!! I still have not heard back from them after sending them another email. Ticks me off.  Lesson to be learned here, only purchase things you can hold in your hands!

Okay, I am growing creases on my butt, I have to go and fold some laundry!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Project 365

It is really a challenge quite a few people are taking on. It simply means to commit to taking a photo every single day of the year. The question then is how to use those photos. There are some nice templates out there. They allow the user to add 7 pictures at a time, so that the project doesn't become overwhelming. Here are my first three pictures

Day one Day 2 Day three On day one I had a flat tire on the way to the Mall. What a great start in the New Year. On the second we went hunting for this game, couldn't find it anywhere and finally bought it at the bookstore (the most expensive rendition out there) Today we had fresh cherries. In the middle of winter, and they were delicious. I think that's it for week one, so I will try and make a page with these pictures. This is going to be fun!

I finally finished my December Dailies book at Shutterfly. All day yesterday I uploaded pictures, processed, deleted, re-uploaded.....It was such a pain in the you know what.'s finally done and looks quite nice I think. Here is a link. Please stop by and take a look. Let me know what you think about it and leave me a comment if you'd like. I'd love to hear from you.

I just finished a page about New Years using Vinnie's goodies. Here it is

Welcome-2009 Isn't the hat just too cute?

Another page I did a while ago, but couldn't post yet, because the kit hadn't been released yet. It's out now and here is the LO. It's with vinnie's stuff also, I really like the colors in this kit.

Dreams One more page that I hadn't put here yet, I missed it somehow. Love the pics of DS here. I hope you can blow it up to see it better


Only one more day of Christmas vacation, then it's back to school. I hate it. All the running is going to start again. There is something to be said about home schooling :). Oh well! Okay, that's it for today, signing off...... Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The credits as always can be found here

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Frohes Neues Jahr!

   or Happy New Year! I guess my resolution for the New Year should be to post more often :) I can't even say that I have a good excuse, life just got in the way. With Christmas and all the preparations, more parties and school functions and the pages I committed to making, it was just too much. I am going to keep it short today, just post all the pages I didn't get in here yet. I am almost done with my December book, I just have to do yesterday's and the front page and cover. Yeah!!! At the end I couldn't stand doing the same templates again and again. Now I committed to doing a photo a day for the year! Project 365 seems to be really popular. At least I don't have to do a page every day, there are templates for the week. That shouldn't be too bad. Anyhow, here are some pages


December-Dailies-Fifteen December-Dailies-Sixteen




 December-Dailies-Twentytree December-Dailies-Twentyfour

December-Dailies-Twentyfive December-Dailies-Twentysix

 December-Dailies-twentyseven December-Dailies-Twentyeight

December-Dailies-Twentynine December-Dailies-Thirty That is going to be the book. some of it is really not very personal, but some days are just really boring in this house, nothing special happens. I spend a lot of time on my laptop making pages, but how many pictures of that can one take :) I better become more creative here.

Here are some of the other pages I did. Gabrielle had the role of a drama teacher in the Christmas school play. She was great!Drama-teacherMemories-of-Deuce this one is for our piano teacher. Her dogs are her babies and I promised her pages for an album we gave her last year. So far she has only 3 pages, poor thing.

Ornaments Silent-Night priceless These-memories Oh my gosh, this was so fun. these pics are from our annual choir party. Our director did this rap routine with her hubby, she had us in stitches! It was really good and the delivery was awesome!

The-two-sides-of-you Here I tried my hands at a little art journaling! I kind of like the results, although it really isn't my regular style. Very relaxing though. You can't really do anything wrong with it.

Season's-Greetings tub-Time Waiting-for-Christmas Waiting-to-be-opened You-rock-my-world This last one I just finished last night. I took the picture last night and I really liked it, even if it isn't the sharpest. I rarely get a good picture of hubby and this one is just so cute! Wow, this was a lot of pictures to post! Now I have to think about what pictures to take every day.

Christmas was really nice. the kids were happy with the things Santa brought them, even if some wishes weren't fulfilled. I got some neat stuff, like new boots and a purse. Then hubby told me to order something I really want, which is the Nikon D300. It's on it's way and I am so excited. I will finally be able to use my 50 mm on autofocus. I hardly ever get a good shot with it now because I am too blind to focus manually :) Life is good! I have to buy new memory cards for it, the size is different. They wanted to sell me those high speed ones for 99$. I almost fell over. I am going to have to check on that. I didn't even know there were different speeds for those. Goes to show how ignorant I am. I will put a post at DD and see if Katrina knows anything about that.

The weather here is mixed. We had 57 degrees just a few days ago, now it is freezing but sunny with a little dusting of snow on the ground. The kids really wanted a white Christmas but all we got was lots of rain and wind.

Our vacation is booked! We will be going to Cancun on the 23rd. I can't wait! It's been 2 years since we last went because of my passport last year. Now we are all set! With my credit card points I got 3 airline tickets free, yeah.

Okay, this is it for today! Hopefully I will keep my resolution to post more frequently, so you don't have to look at these endlessly long pages again!

Never say Never!

Well, here I am creating my very own blog! I was always very sure I would never get into this blogging "thing", but here I am. I hope you will enjoy finding out a little about my not so interesting life!