It would be nice to find somebody to fix up the tub and make it look new again too and get a new shower door. Okay, I have not given up completely yet. I am going to ask my friend for some input :) (are you reading this?)
Here are some other pages, not a whole lot, the weekend was really busy
Oh I guess, this is it, I already posted the rest :)
Saturday was a big day. I was supposed to have a chat during the all day chat event at Designer Digitals but then we found out that Michael was getting promoted to Black Belt in Karate that day at the exact same time, so I had to cancel my slot. I was at Karate all day anyway, helping out with testing starting at 10 AM. I had to control 3 different groups, so I was glad I was there. I was the experienced person, cracks me up :)
Anyway, Michael was soooo proud. He was the first one to be called up and they read his certificate out loud for everybody. He looked so darn cute, the smallest guy among all those big people.
those are our teachers, Father and Son Goss and they were fooling around with him, here is one more serious
I kind of like the top one myself, he was having a good time.
Phil had bloodwork done yesterday and everything came back fine. He was really worried about it, but all the levels are great, including his PSA! I felt like throwing a party. Today was his follow-up appointment with the cardiologist and that went well also, things are good for now. He will start jogging again, he had kind of slacked off for a couple of weeks here, not good.
The girls came home yesterday all bummed out. They had try outs for the spring play at school and they didn't get the roles they wanted. Again they will be in the background singing in a group with 6-graders. There were lots of tears flowing, especially since they found the auditions to have been done unfairly. Supposedly they had to sing a song they had never heard and the girl who got the main role sang a song from her Ipod. That really does not sound right to me, but I guess they might as well learn now, that life will never be fair. They were not the only ones upset either, there were quite a few girls crying. I guess that happens every time they do these things, I wish they wouldn't even get into them. Now it's going to be weeks of practice after school and for what? Actually the way I felt yesterday, I wanted to go and rip her head off. Rachel told me that she even asked her if she wanted that role and that she might get it. Now why would she do that to the girl? Don't say anything you fool! I can't stand it when they hurt my kids! Argh, I guess that too shall pass!
Well, I better go and practice my piano piece, lesson today!