I just got back from this lady I know from Karate. She is really into Yoga but also went to India to learn these different healing techniques (physiological). she saw how much pain I was in the other day and asked me to come for a session. Man, did that hurt!!!! Mostly pressure treatment, not as relaxing as a massage, but I am feeling great right now. I can move, bend, even jump a little, although I am afraid to do too much. I'll see how it will go through the week, she thinks I need to do at least 4 more sessions like this one, then she can get me into some yoga moves. Not that I want to do Yoga again, she does Ashtenga (I think the spelling is correct), and it's really not my thing. But, it is really nice not to have pain in my back for a change.
Our gorgeous summer days are gone for now, we are back to chillier temperatures and overcast skies, some rain here and there. The kids have their Race for Education today, at least they get to move some, Rachel really needs it :) I guess I should have gone up to watch and take pics, but I can't even remember what times they are on (different times for different grades). There goes my next LO :) Speaking of which, here are a few pages I have finished
this one was funny, everybody thought I extracted the hand with the bone, but she was really picking some crumbs from her plate and the dog just about dies watching her eat. The bone is a digi element that I added. I lassoed her fingers, duplicated them and put them on top so it looks like she is holding it. Aren't I clever ;)
this one was really Rachel's idea, she thought it would make a great page. She was right, I loved it!
credits for all of the above here
I loved Michael's artwork here, it's still hanging over my bed and the trip to Starbucks was fun, that was that really warm day we had, the flip flop picture was taken there too!
My sister in Germany has an email account now, I am so happy. I will leave her a little message in german, so she won't feel too left out!
Liebe Brita, hoffentlich siehst Du das auch und ich mache das nicht alles umsonst. Ich weiss ja nicht, wieviel Du von dem allen hier lesen kannst. Viel ist ja nicht passiert, Gott sei Dank. Das kann nur positiv sein. Phil macht seine Behandlung fuer seinen Ruecken und es scheint etwas zu helfen. Klopf auf Holz! Meine Guete, ist das komisch, Deutsch zu schreiben.....Schick mir doch einfach mal ein email und lass mir eine Nachricht hier unter comments. Wenn du da reinklickst, einfach was schreiben und anonym anklicken. Ich weiss nicht, ob Du dann noch so nummern oder Buchstaben kriegst, die Du wiederholen musst. einfach mal versuchen! Ich hoffe, bei euch geht alles seinen guten gewohnten Gang. Lass was von Dir hoeren und schick mal ein paar Bilder!